Cambridge Deutsch im Einsatz Coursebook Cambridge Elevate Edition (2 Years)

Cambridge University Press

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ISBN 9781108464222
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Cambridge Deutsch im Einsatz Coursebook Cambridge Elevate Edition (2 Years)

Author/s: Sophie Duncker, Alan Marshall, Conny Brock and Katrin Fox

An expertly written German B course now updated for first examination 2020, providing students with thought-provoking materials to help them develop strong language skills and solid critical thinking

The Cambridge Elevate edition helps students develop their German language skills as they explore the five themes from the new IB Diploma Language B guide.

Units begin with ‘big questions’ that get learners thinking about global topics such as, ‘how do we express our identity?’ These help students appreciate wider issues before developing their language skills through international texts and activities in the style of the exam.

This digital resource allows students to annotate text, add notes and link to external resources. Answers and audio files for the listening exercises are in the teacher’s resource with Cambridge Elevate.


  • Personalise Cambridge Elevate editions to your needs – set homework, link to the web and share annotations with your class.

  • Big questions at the start of each unit introduce important world issues and ensure students’ learning reflects the mission of IB Diploma – ‘to create a better world through education.’

  • Listening activities in each unit help students practise this essential skill and prepare them for the new assessment. Audio for the listening activities is in the teacher's resource.

  • Activities in the style of the exam give students the opportunity to develop their language skills while preparing for the new assessment.

  • Sections on literature give higher level students the opportunity to practice for their individual oral exam.

  • Links to Theory of Knowledge (TOK), Extended Essay (EE) and Creativity, Activity, Service (CAS) help students make connections with the IB Diploma Core. In addition, Conceptual Understanding and Approaches to Learning are integrated into the coursebook, encouraging students to improve these skills.

  • A specific section on text types, updated to conform to the new Guide, helps students master different types of text.

  • Cambridge Elevate is simple to navigate for both students and teachers – find notes quickly with highlights and bookmarks.

  • Simple and easy to use, link directly into Cambridge Elevate from Moodle, Blackboard and any other VLE.

  • Access a library of Cambridge books anywhere, anytime whether online or offline (via the app). For more information, please visit


  • Vorwort
  • 1. Identitäten: 1.1. Wer bin ich?
  • 1.2. Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden
  • 1.3. Werte und glauben
  • 1.4. Wir und die Anderen
  • 2. Erfahrungen: 2.1. Multikulturelles Berlin
  • 2.2. Eine kulinarische Reise
  • 2.3. Feste und Traditionen
  • 2.4. Die Sehnsucht nach dem Leben
  • 3. Menschliche Erfindungsgabe: 3.1. Fernsehen: die Macht des Publikums
  • 3.2. Kino mal auf Deutsch
  • 3.3. Musik heute
  • 3.4. Werbung: Spaß, Verdummung oder Manipulation?
  • 4. Soziale Organisation: 4.1. Die digitale Welt
  • 4.2. Jugend heute, und die Menschen um sie herum
  • 4.3. Schule – Zeitverschwendung, oder Vorbereitung für die Arbeitswelt?
  • 4.4. Die geregelte Welt
  • 5. Ein Planet für alle: 5.1. Der Mensch als globaler Konsument
  • 5.2. Der Mensch in der Natur
  • 5.3. Der Mensch und seine Mitmenschen
  • 5.4. Der Mensch braucht Energie
  • 6. Textsorten – Beispiele und Checklisten.