Oxford Complete English for Cambridge Secondary 1 Stage 8 Teacher Pack

Oxford University Press

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ISBN 9780198364726
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Complete English for Cambridge Secondary 1 Stage 8 Teacher Pack Author: Jane Arredondo Ensure your Cambridge students achieve their best at Cambridge Secondary 1 and in the Cambridge Checkpoint test, whatever their language ability. This comprehensive teacher pack supports the delivery of every lesson, and gives you the tools you need to support strong achievement.  Features: Comprehensive - we are working with Cambridge International Examinations towards endorsement. Save time in planning - includes unit-by-unit teacher notes, as well as answers and audio transcripts. Support achievement -with helpful and realistic practice for achievement in the Cambridge Checkpoint test, including formative and summative assessment strategies. Ideal for mixed ability and multilingual classrooms - differentiation guidance will help you to support every student. Truly motivate students - the theme-based approach will sustain students' interest with rich, international, and engaging reading texts.