Music Room Book 2 : Lower Primary Level

Bushfire Press

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ISBN 9781876772321
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Music Room Book 2 : Lower Primary Level : A Developmental Classroom Music Program Author/s: Rob Fairbairn; Mark Leehy; Kevin O'Mara; Bradfield Dumpleton Book 2 covers: Musical concept (element) development Arts practice (making and presenting) Responding to the Arts Aesthetics and Context Including evaluation and criticism of own and others' work Concert performance pieces Book 2 is in full colour and features: One year's lesson plans Music Lyrics Activities, Illustrations Charts Proformas Awards certificates Evaluation and tracking Support CDs Web support The aim of music room is to: Provide classroom teachers and music specialists with a fresh, fun and easy program that provides experiences in listening, singing, moving, playing, creating, and composing. To develop skills in, and understanding of, the musical elements (beat, rhythm, pitch, harmony, dynamics, tempo, form, tone, texture, style) It also addresses arts practice, i.e. using skills, techniques and processes, And responding to the arts, i.e. criticism, aesthetics and contexts.