Cambridge Lower Secondary Mathematics Learner’s Book 9 with Digital Access (1 Year)

Cambridge University Press

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ISBN 9781108783774
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Cambridge Lower Secondary Mathematics Learner’s Book 9 with Digital Access (1 Year)

Author/s: Greg Byrd, Lynn Byrd and Chris Pearce

Whether you’re learning about decimals, percentages and rounding or probability and ratio, this series helps you develop your mathematical thinking skills.

You’ll be fully supported with worked examples and plenty of practice exercises while projects throughout the book provide opportunities for deeper investigation of mathematical ideas and concepts, such working out the most cost effective cinema membership.

With key word boxes, clear diagrams and supporting illustrations, the course makes maths accessible for second language learners.


  • Understand what you need to know with the ‘Getting started’ feature at the start of each unit

  • Develop your ability to think and work mathematically with clearly identified activities throughout each unit

  • ‘Think like a mathematician’ provides investigation activities linked to the skills you are developing

  • ‘Summary checklist’ in each session and ‘Check your progress’ exercise at the end of each unit help you reflect on what you have learnt

  • Answers for all activities can be found in the accompanying teacher’s resource.


1. Number and calculation
2. Expressions and formulae
3. Decimals, percentages and rounding
4. Equations and inequalities
5. Angles
6. Statistical investigations
7. Shapes and measurements
8. Fractions
9. Sequences and functions
10. Graphs
11. Ratio and proportion
12. Probability
13. Position and transformation
14. Volume, surface and symmetry
15. Interpreting and discussing results.